what is http?
http是無狀態的(stateless)。瀏覽網頁、送出表單,這些行為就是在發送http請求,要注意,每一次的http請求都是各自獨立的,意思就是,每一次我們重新刷新網頁,這一次呈現的網頁和上一次就是不一樣的,它不會儲存你上一次在這個網頁做的動作或輸入,但是這會造成一些使用上的不便,為了解決這個問題,衍生出local storage, cookies, sessions等可以儲存用戶紀錄的解決方法。但是http的本質仍是
HTTPS(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure),超文本傳輸安全協定。客戶端及服務端之間來回的資訊皆被加密,若是我們需要傳送一些較重要、機密的資料,例如信用卡資訊等,應該要用https來傳送
Safe & Idempotent
按照這個規格,PUT, DELETE,以及Safe請求皆算作此類。
2XX 成功
狀態碼 | 解釋 | 解釋 |
200 | OK | |
201 | Created | 資源新增成功 |
202 | Accepted | 請求以接受,但尚在處理 |
204 | No Content | 請求成功,但尚未回傳 |
3XX 重新導向
狀態碼 | 解釋 | 解釋 |
301 | Moved Permanently | 這個連結已經被其他的替換掉了 |
303 | See Other | 回傳結果請用其他uri取得,例如發送一個新的Get |
304 | Not Modified | 若發出If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match的表頭,收到這個狀態碼表示資源在表頭中的版本之後並沒有更新 |
4XX 失敗
狀態碼 | 解釋 | |
400 | Bad Request | 客戶端發出的錯誤請求。伺服器不會處理這類請求。 |
401 | Unauthorized | 驗證失敗 |
403 | Forbidden | 請求正確,但伺服器端拒絕處理。可能是客戶端的身分限制,或是該請求是被禁止的。 |
404 | Not Found | 資源不存在 |
405 | Method Not Allowed | 該請求行為不被允許 |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | 不支援的媒體類型 |
5XX 伺服器錯誤
狀態碼 | 解釋 | |
500 | Internal Server Error | 通用錯誤訊息,可能是伺服器問題。 |
501 | Not Implemented | 伺服器認不得這個請求,或是無法達成。有時這暗示未來就可能支援 |
502 | Bad Gateway | 接收請求的伺服器端可能是作為proxy或gateway的腳色,這個訊息代表上游的伺服器傳出不合格的回應 |
503 | Service Unavailable | 伺服器無法接受請求,可能正在進行維修或是過載。這個狀態通常是暫時的 |
504 | Gateway Timeout | 接收請求的伺服器端可能是作為proxy或gateway的腳色。這個狀態碼代表上游伺服器沒有回應 |
The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be returned as the entity in the response and not the source text of the process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process.
The response to a GET request is cacheable if and only if it meets the requirements for HTTP caching described in section 13.
The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line.
The action performed by the POST method might not result in a resource that can be identified by a URI. In this case, either 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) is the appropriate response status, depending on whether or not the response includes an entity that describes the result.
If a resource has been created on the origin server, the response SHOULD be 201 (Created) and contain an entity which describes the status of the request and refers to the new resource, and a Location header (see section 14.30).
The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a modified version of the one residing on the origin server. If the Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, and that URI is capable of being defined as a new resource by the requesting user agent, the origin server can create the resource with that URI. If a new resource is created, the origin server MUST inform the user agent via the 201 (Created) response. If an existing resource is modified, either the 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) response codes SHOULD be sent to indicate successful completion of the request. If the resource could not be created or modified with the Request-URI, an appropriate error response SHOULD be given that reflects the nature of the problem.